Main Street Insiders
Main Street Insiders
Introducing Main Street Insiders
Main Street Insiders is where we talk personal finance, economics, and investing for the America First crowd.
This podcast is dedicated to the Main Streeters of the world. The people who work the uncelebrated jobs, build our communities, grow our food, protect our freedoms, and educate and raise our kids. If this describes you, then you are a Main Street Insider.
You are the dreamers and doers that make America great.
We're here to answer one simple question: What does America look like when Main Streeters thrive? To us, the key is freedom.
While freedom comes in many forms, we use the pursuit of financial freedom as the jumping off point. Money isn't everything, but it's an important tool for accomplishing what you really want in life.
Unfortunately, there are a bunch of global elites who have different ideas. They want to own the future and rent it back to you on their terms. Not on our watch.
We want to equip you to live more, spend less, and own your future. When you understand the connection between big picture economics and kitchen table finance you have the power to take control. It's not fun to say, but we're in an economic war. To win, we have to be strong - financially, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
We hope our discussion of freedom, faith, family - and finance - will help bolster your strength.
This is the way.
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